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英国因新冠死亡的个人中90%在生前接种了新冠疫苗 [复制链接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2022-6-21 08:43:04 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

  2022年3月11日,美国《自然新闻》网站(NaturalNews.com)、《新闻靶子》网站(NewsTarget.com)和《瘟疫新闻》网站(Pandemic.news)同时登载文章“Fully vaccinated and boosted make up vast majority of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the UK”,中文为《在英国,完全接种疫苗和加强接种疫苗者占COVID-19病例、住院和死亡人数的绝大多数》,简称《英国接种疫苗恶果》,作者是Arsenio Toledo(阿希尼奥·托里多),详见参考文献[1]、[2]、[3]。


  文章《英国接种疫苗恶果》显示:1月31日至2月27日期间的110万 COVID-19患者中,78%接种了新冠疫苗。3,939例确诊的COVID-19死亡病例中,未接种疫苗者仅有397人,占10%;而接种疫苗的个人占COVID-19死亡人数的90%。因此,接种新冠疫苗增加COVID-19的患病人数和死亡人数。


  Data from the United Kingdom show that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths among the unvaccinated have plummeted, while COVID-19 deaths from the country’s vaccinated population continue to surge.


  This claim is confirmed by a report from the U.K. Health Security Agency (UKHSA), a government agency less than a year old that was formed to be the British government’s health improvement and health protection agency.


  As part of its duties, the UKHSA regularly published COVID-19 Vaccine Surveillance Reports. These reports contain data on COVID-19-related cases, hospitalizations and deaths. The reports also group the information based on the vaccination status of the patient or the deceased.


  One of the agency’s latest reports, published March 3, proves that the fully vaccinated and those who have received booster doses of the vaccine make up the vast majority of COVID-19 cases in the United Kingdom.


  “[The report] does absolutely no favors for Pfizer and the claimed efficacy of its COVID-19 injection,” wrote the Daily Expose in an article covering the latest UKHSA report.


  Seventy-nine percent of the British population has received at least one dose of the vaccine. Seventy-three percent are fully vaccinated and 57 percent are fully vaccinated and boosted.


  The UKHSA’s March 3 report covers cases, hospitalizations and deaths by vaccination status in England between Jan. 31 and Feb. 27.


  It shows that, of the nearly 1.1 million COVID-19 cases reported in England during this period, 846,616 – or 78 percent of all cases – were vaccinated and only 244,313 were unvaccinated.


  Of the vaccinated cases, 67,669 were partially vaccinated, 162,998 were fully vaccinated and a whopping 615,949 were fully vaccinated and boosted.


  UKHSA’s report shows that between Jan. 31 and Feb. 27, there were a total of 7,931 confirmed COVID-related hospitalizations in England. Of those, only 1,832 were unvaccinated and the remaining 6,099 were vaccinated. Among the unvaccinated hospitalizations, 812 were among children.


  Of the vaccinated hospitalized COVID-19 cases, 363 were partially vaccinated, 1,178 were fully vaccinated and 4,558 were fully vaccinated and boosted.


  A similar situation can be seen when looking at COVID-19 deaths during this time. There were a total of 3,939 confirmed COVID-19 deaths in England. Unvaccinated individuals only account for 397 of these deaths. This means that the vaccinated individuals account for 90 percent of all COVID-19 deaths in England.



  Among the 3,542 vaccinated COVID-19 deaths, 113 were partially vaccinated, 725 were fully vaccinated and a whopping 2,704 were fully vaccinated and boosted at the time of their death.



  [1] Arsenio Toledo: “Fully vaccinated and boosted make up vast majority of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the UK”, NaturalNews.com, March 11, 2022. Link:

  https://naturalnews.com/2022-03- ... zations-deaths.html

  [2] Arsenio Toledo: “Fully vaccinated and boosted make up vast majority of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the UK”, NewsTarget.com, March 11, 2022. Link:

  https://newstarget.com/2022-03-1 ... zations-deaths.html

  [3] Arsenio Toledo: “Fully vaccinated and boosted make up vast majority of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths in the UK”, Pandemic.news, March 11, 2022. Link:

  https://pandemic.news/2022-03-11 ... zations-deaths.html

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